
Love for Earth, Care for People

Grand-Tek Technology team spontaneously organized a series of ESG activities, called " Love for Earth ".
The purpose is to encourage carbon reduction, positive expression, donation and sharing. We hope to arouse everyone's concern for the environment, colleagues, and society, and take action to express their Love.
Love for Earth, Care for People Series Activities:
Step Up, Drive Less - Walking Challenges
📌 Grand-Tek employees collectively took 9,749,488 steps within 12 days, cutting nearly 1.4 metric tons of carbon emissions.
Spreading Gratitude - Notes of Thanks
📌 120 thank notes were posted, fostering a sense of gratitude, positive expression, and interaction.
Share & Sustainability - Book Donation Drive
📌 75 second-hand books were donated, helping to balance educational resources, reduce resource consumption, and extend the value.
Thanks to our team partners for participating and working together to make society a better place.

Love for Earth, Care for People - Grand-Tek
